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RMOL::DPOptimiser Class Reference

#include <rmol/bom/DPOptimiser.hpp>

List of all members.

Static Public Member Functions

static void optimalOptimisationByDP (stdair::LegCabin &)
static double cdfGaussianQ (const double, const double)

Detailed Description

Utility methods for the Dynamic Programming algorithms.

Definition at line 17 of file DPOptimiser.hpp.

Member Function Documentation

void RMOL::DPOptimiser::optimalOptimisationByDP ( stdair::LegCabin &  ioLegCabin)

Dynamic Programming to compute the cumulative protection levels and booking limits (described in the book Revenue Management - Talluri & Van Ryzin, p.41-42).

Definition at line 22 of file DPOptimiser.cpp.

static double RMOL::DPOptimiser::cdfGaussianQ ( const double  ,
const double   

Compute the cdf_Q of a gaussian.

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