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Command-Line Test to Demonstrate How To Test the RMOL Project
// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Import section
// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// STL
#include <sstream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
// Boost Unit Test Framework (UTF)
#define BOOST_TEST_MODULE OptimiseTestSuite
#include <boost/test/unit_test.hpp>
// StdAir
#include <stdair/basic/BasLogParams.hpp>
#include <stdair/basic/BasDBParams.hpp>
#include <stdair/basic/BasFileMgr.hpp>
#include <stdair/service/Logger.hpp>
#include <rmol/config/rmol-paths.hpp>
namespace boost_utf = boost::unit_test;
// (Boost) Unit Test XML Report
std::ofstream utfReportStream ("OptimiseTestSuite_utfresults.xml");
struct UnitTestConfig {
UnitTestConfig() {
boost_utf::unit_test_log.set_stream (utfReportStream);
boost_utf::unit_test_log.set_format (boost_utf::XML);
boost_utf::unit_test_log.set_threshold_level (boost_utf::log_test_units);
//boost_utf::unit_test_log.set_threshold_level (boost_utf::log_successful_tests);
~UnitTestConfig() {
// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
int testOptimiseHelper (const unsigned short optimisationMethodFlag,
const bool isBuiltin) {
// Return value
int oExpectedBookingLimit = 0;
// Output log File
std::ostringstream oStr;
oStr << "OptimiseTestSuite_" << optimisationMethodFlag << "_" << isBuiltin << ".log";
const stdair::Filename_T lLogFilename (oStr.str());
// Number of random draws to be generated (best if greater than 100)
// Methods of optimisation (0 = Monte-Carlo, 1 = Dynamic Programming,
// 2 = EMSR, 3 = EMSR-a, 4 = EMSR-b, 5 = EMSR-a with sellup prob.)
const unsigned short METHOD_FLAG = optimisationMethodFlag;
// Cabin Capacity (it must be greater then 100 here)
const double cabinCapacity = 100.0;
// Set the log parameters
std::ofstream logOutputFile;
// Open and clean the log outputfile
logOutputFile.open (lLogFilename.c_str());
// Initialise the RMOL service
const stdair::BasLogParams lLogParams (stdair::LOG::DEBUG, logOutputFile);
RMOL::RMOL_Service rmolService (lLogParams);
// Check wether or not a (CSV) input file should be read
if (isBuiltin == true) {
// Build the default sample BOM tree and build a dummy BOM tree.
} else {
// Parse the optimisation data and build a dummy BOM tree
const stdair::Filename_T lRMInputFileName (STDAIR_SAMPLE_DIR "/rm02.csv");
rmolService.parseAndLoad (cabinCapacity, lRMInputFileName);
switch (METHOD_FLAG) {
case 0: {
STDAIR_LOG_DEBUG ("Optimisation by Monte-Carlo (MC)");
// Calculate the optimal protections by the Monte Carlo
// Integration approach
rmolService.optimalOptimisationByMCIntegration (K);
case 1: {
STDAIR_LOG_DEBUG ("Optimisation by Dynamic Programming (DP)");
// Calculate the optimal protections by DP.
rmolService.optimalOptimisationByDP ();
case 2: {
STDAIR_LOG_DEBUG ("Calculate the Bid-Price Vectors (BPV) by EMSR");
// Calculate the Bid-Price Vector by EMSR
rmolService.heuristicOptimisationByEmsr ();
case 3: {
STDAIR_LOG_DEBUG ("Calculate the Authorisation Levels (AUs) by EMSRa");
// Calculate the protections by EMSR-a
// Test the EMSR-a algorithm implementation
rmolService.heuristicOptimisationByEmsrA ();
// Return a cumulated booking limit value to test
// oExpectedBookingLimit = static_cast<int> (lBookingLimitVector.at(2));
case 4: {
STDAIR_LOG_DEBUG ("Calculate the Authorisation Levels (AUs) by EMSRb");
// Calculate the protections by EMSR-b
rmolService.heuristicOptimisationByEmsrB ();
default: rmolService.optimalOptimisationByMCIntegration (K);
// Close the log file
return oExpectedBookingLimit;
// /////////////// Main: Unit Test Suite //////////////
// Set the UTF configuration (re-direct the output to a specific file)
// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Tests are based on the following input values
// price; mean; standard deviation;
// 1050; 17.3; 5.8;
// 567; 45.1; 15.0;
// 534; 39.6; 13.2;
// 520; 34.0; 11.3;
// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
BOOST_AUTO_TEST_SUITE (master_test_suite)
BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE (rmol_optimisation_monte_carlo) {
// State whether the BOM tree should be built-in or parsed from an input file
const bool isBuiltin = false;
BOOST_CHECK_NO_THROW (testOptimiseHelper(0, isBuiltin););
BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE (rmol_optimisation_dynamic_programming) {
// State whether the BOM tree should be built-in or parsed from an input file
const bool isBuiltin = false;
BOOST_CHECK_NO_THROW (testOptimiseHelper(1, isBuiltin););
BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE (rmol_optimisation_emsr_bpv) {
// State whether the BOM tree should be built-in or parsed from an input file
const bool isBuiltin = false;
BOOST_CHECK_NO_THROW (testOptimiseHelper(2, isBuiltin););
BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE (rmol_optimisation_emsr_a) {
// State whether the BOM tree should be built-in or parsed from an input file
const bool isBuiltin = false;
BOOST_CHECK_NO_THROW (testOptimiseHelper(3, isBuiltin););
// const int lBookingLimit = testOptimiseHelper(3);
// const int lExpectedBookingLimit = 61;
// BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL (lBookingLimit, lExpectedBookingLimit);
// BOOST_CHECK_MESSAGE (lBookingLimit == lExpectedBookingLimit,
// "The booking limit is " << lBookingLimit
// << ", but it is expected to be "
// << lExpectedBookingLimit);
BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE (rmol_optimisation_emsr_b) {
// State whether the BOM tree should be built-in or parsed from an input file
const bool isBuiltin = false;
BOOST_CHECK_NO_THROW (testOptimiseHelper(4, isBuiltin););
BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE (rmol_optimisation_monte_carlo_built_in) {
// State whether the BOM tree should be built-in or parsed from an input file
const bool isBuiltin = true;
BOOST_CHECK_NO_THROW (testOptimiseHelper(0, isBuiltin););
BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE (rmol_optimisation_dynamic_programming_built_in) {
// State whether the BOM tree should be built-in or parsed from an input file
const bool isBuiltin = true;
BOOST_CHECK_NO_THROW (testOptimiseHelper(1, isBuiltin););
BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE (rmol_optimisation_emsr_bpv_built_in) {
// State whether the BOM tree should be built-in or parsed from an input file
const bool isBuiltin = true;
BOOST_CHECK_NO_THROW (testOptimiseHelper(2, isBuiltin););
BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE (rmol_optimisation_emsr_a_built_in) {
// State whether the BOM tree should be built-in or parsed from an input file
const bool isBuiltin = true;
BOOST_CHECK_NO_THROW (testOptimiseHelper(3, isBuiltin););
BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE (rmol_optimisation_emsr_b_built_in) {
// State whether the BOM tree should be built-in or parsed from an input file
const bool isBuiltin = true;
BOOST_CHECK_NO_THROW (testOptimiseHelper(4, isBuiltin););
// End the test suite